
These conditions govern the use of and relations between the Comersis.com site, including its "cmap", "map", "france", "geo-market" subdomains, and the user of this same site. , referred to as the Client.

Any use or order implies the Customer's unreserved acceptance of these terms of use.


To counter any risk of misuse of your bank card, Comersis uses a Paypal® secure payment reference, using the currently most secure SSL data encryption protocol. Your bank details are directly encrypted (to the maximum standards authorized by the authorities, i.e. 128 bits). For security reasons, Comersis.com does not store banking information at any time during all transactions carried out on its servers.

Limits of liability

Comersis.com cannot be held liable for damages of any kind, whether material, immaterial or bodily, which may result from the misuse of the products or marketed services.

Under no circumstances does Comersis.com or its suppliers assume any liability towards the Customer in the event of direct or indirect damage, including in particular loss of profit, operating losses, loss of profits, business interruptions or other losses of a pecuniary nature resulting from the use or inability to use the Products, Mapping Services or Services, or the way in which these were rendered, even if a representative of Comersis or of any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances does Comersis.com or its suppliers assume any liability towards the Customer in the event of a claim by a third party.

Comersis' liability shall, in any case, be limited to the amount of the order and cannot be blamed for simple errors or omissions which may have persisted despite all the precautions taken in the presentation of the products.< /p>

In the event of total or partial non-performance of the conditions of sale by the Customer, Comersis.com reserves the right to suspend or cancel the delivery or the performance of its contractual obligations without prejudice to a subsequent claim for compensation.

The Comersis.com site is an online service based in Plougasnou - Finistère (France).
The servers are administered by O.V.H. in Roubaix.
Siret: 387 676 828 00057 - represented by Mr. Stéfan Marmion.

The use, download and purchase of files provided by the Comersis.com site implies the user's acceptance of these Terms of Use.

Intellectual property

All files, data and images downloaded from the Comeris.com site are subject to copyright and intellectual property rights for all countries.

Downloaded products purchased on the Comeris.com site may be used and integrated into an application or website for public or commercial use on the strict condition that these products are not the main object of this application or this site and that the purpose sought does not concern the use of COMERSIS.COM data. Consequently, all files from Comersis.com must be an integral part of the application or website and cannot be accessed in their original format by end users.

Apart from this use, the customer is prohibited from copying, reproducing, distributing, selling, publishing, exploiting in any other way and distributing in another format in electronic or other form the information present on the site and in the files and data provided by COMERSIS.COM.

Consequently, any other use constitutes infringement and is sanctioned under intellectual property, unless prior authorization from COMERSIS.COM.

Guarantees - Limited liability

The information displayed on the www.comersis.com website, the tutorials and various sections are given for information only, Comersis.com may modify them at any time and without notice.
The website www.comersis.com strives to provide the most detailed and clear information on the products and services it produces or distributes. However, the Customer remains solely responsible for the final choice of the product or service. It is up to him to seek advice from online support in order to obtain the exact information he expects.

The customer uses the services and data provided by COMERSIS.COM at his own risk. All information and data provided by COMERSIS.COM through its website or its databases are offered " as is" and cannot be the subject of any guarantee as to their content. The only guarantee granted by COMERSIS.COM relates to the supply within a reasonable time of the products purchased by the customer.

Therefore, COMERSIS.COM shall in no event be liable to the user for direct or indirect, consequential, special, incidental, deterrent damages, loss of information or problems occurred during the electronic payment, of costs related to a delay or obtaining of products, whatever the cause. These limitations will apply even if either party has been notified of the possible occurrence of such damages and notwithstanding a failure of the primary purpose of a limited remedy.

Payment and terms of payment

The prices of our products are indicated in Euros, all taxes included. All orders are payable in euros. COMERSIS.COM reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. The products are always invoiced on the basis of the prices in force at the time of the registration of the order.

Payment for your purchases is made by bank card via the Paypal online payment service. The credit cards accepted are Eurocard / Mastercard and Visa. The customer is solely responsible for the actual payment of the product purchased.


The products purchased are directly accessible for download after validation of payment. An email is sent to the customer with download instructions and conditions.

Links sent to customers remain accessible for a period of three months from the date of purchase and are deactivated after this period. If any problem arises with these links, we urge customers to contact us without delay.

Customer Service

For any information or questions regarding our products, our customer service is at your disposal via the contact form .

Protection of privacy

COMERSIS.COM respects the privacy of its users and customers and strictly complies with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms. COMERSIS.COM undertakes not to disclose to third parties the information that the customer communicates to it. These are confidential and will only be used for transaction purposes. COMERSIS.COM reserves the right to inform its customers by e-mail of the evolution of its own services or commercial offers.

Use of cartographic products

Comersis.com and/or its partners remain the owners of the electronic files as well as their cartographic or geographical content as author. Only a non-exclusive right of use defined as follows is authorized.

The electronic file and its cartographic content are offered for graphic manipulation. They can be integrated into all print jobs (magazines, brochures, booklets, flyers, etc.) and multimedia presentations (websites only).

Each use and distribution of the electronic file and its cartographic content, even modified, must legibly contain the copyright notices, as follows "© Comersis.com - year of production".

The massive use and/or distribution of files, such as for publishing a geographical atlas, is subject to prior authorization. For this, consult us. All rights remain reserved.

These terms are subject to change at any time without notice.

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article mis à jour le september 22, 2024

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